At Interprovincial we provide a wide range of services adapted to your business needs. We specialize in both industrial and commercial insulation to meet our customers requirements.
Asbestos Abatement
- Asbestos workers are fully trained and provincially certified
- Experienced in Type I, II and III as well as glove bag procedures
- Fully experienced in all types of removals at industrial sites, schools, hospitals and industrial buildings
- Strict adherence to government regulations and safety procedures
- Firestopping for mechanical and electrical openings as well as building joints
- Firestopping applications for residential, commercial and industrial customers
- Firestopping solutions for difficult areas
- Fully trained applicators with four years apprenticeship
- Experienced in all industrial processes (tanks, piping and equipment)
- Highest safety standards
- Experienced in all industrial sectors including intensive specialization in power and co-generation, gas transmission, pulp and paper, mining-milling and smelting, and synthetic process plants.
Spray Products
- Fireproofing by fully trained and professional crews
- Urethane foam and coatings using certified applicators
- Urethane foam and coatings for irregular shaped tanks and vessels
- Retrofit and air sealing of existing structures
- New and existing residential housing (the building envelope)
- See Canada’s favourite contractor Mike Holmes discuss the benefits of`Walltite Eco spray applied foam urethane product!
Please contact us for more information about our services.